Increasing conversion rates for a caregiver app

Restructuring the onboarding of a babysitter/au pair matching app to increase user conversions, build trust, and provide a seamless user experience
June 2023 - September 2023
UI/UX Designer


A quick intro serves as a bridge between caregivers and families, but its onboarding process needed refinement. The existing experience lacked personalization, clear communication of safety and search process measures, and did not effectively showcase the app's features. Moreover, the current experience had high drop-off rates and low conversion rates due to the inefficient user flow.

My mission was to address these issues and provide a seamless entry point for both caregivers and families.

The problem

The current onboarding & registration experience has high drop-off rates and low conversion rates due to an inefficient user flow.

The goals

  • Streamline the onboarding process to minimize friction for users
  • Lower drop-off rates and increase conversion rates
  • Establish trust by emphasizing safety measures and screening processes
  • Introduce personalization elements to tailor the experience for caregivers and families
  • Ensure consistency in the onboarding journey across mobile and desktop platforms

My role

As one of the 2 designers on this project, I collaborated with stakeholders and project managers, performed deep UX analysis and synthesized those findings, defined a new visual brand to replace the existing design system and add more cohesiveness, created high-fidelity screens and prototypes.


Who I worked with

Here is a quick snapshot at what the team looked like throughout the duration of this project

Project managers
Client stakeholders


What we inherited offers an incredible caregiver service, but it's awesome services were hidden behind some poor design decisions


Finding quantitative data & metrics

In order to understand how effective the current onboarding is, I looked at both the Google Analytics sessions to see if there were any dropoffs and where they occurred.

Of visitors dropped off after the first interaction
Of visitors dropped off before placing a booking
Bounce rate for mobile app

005. Quantifying problems

Usability test results & findings

After interviewing 5 users who I watched interact with the app, I was able to gain insight into how difficult the current app was to understand and navigate without external help.

Below is a table that depicts user-reported levels of difficulty for each action

Make a booking
Search for a babysitter
Search for an au pair
Complete profile
Complete checklist
of users found it difficult to make a booking
of users found it difficult to search for a babysitter
of users found it difficult to search for an au pair
of users found it difficult to complete their profile
of users found it difficult to complete the checklist

How can we enhance the discoverability of features and convey a sense of value, trust, and progress during the onboarding process?

006. Quantifying problems

Heuristic usability evaluation

The first step that was taken to optimize the onboarding flow was doing a comprehensive usability audit of the existing user flow (on both desktop and mobile) and making notes on weak points, violations against common UX standards, and ideas for improvements.


Curating the user journey to reduce steps and show value sooner

After auditing the existing user flow, we were able to create a new user flow that effortlessly led the user through the onboarding process

New user flow


Notable changes that were made

I've highlighted some of the changes that we made to the user flow to optimize it for higher conversion rates and a more pleasant onboarding experience

Personalizing the user journey

From the beginning, the user is asked what kind of care they are looking for instead of later on in the journey. In this way, the experience is more curated to the specific needs of the user

Incorporating overviews screens

Something that was lacking in the original onboarding flow were detailed explanations of what the user could expect at each stage. We added those in!

Strategically placed pay walls

We placed the pay walls in a location where the user can see value in the app before being asked to put up their credit card information

Established trust

Designed creative and easy-to-read screens that informed parents of's vetting process and everything they check for


Final designs

Here is a brief collection of some of the final screens from this project and how they met the user needs as discussed above

010. UPDATE #1

Personalizing the user journey

The new onboarding flow seamlessly guides the user through the process with curated, specific questions based on the user's responses. In this way, the user is only being asked for relevant information; reducing the amount of time spent in the onboarding flow.

KPI: Increase conversion rates

011. UPDATE #2

Establishing trust by emphasizing safety measures and screening processes

KPI: Increase trust

I included screens throughout the application showing the hiring process and how each caregiver needed to undergo an intensive screening process.

012. UPDATE #3

Easing cognitive overload with overview screens

Since's onboarding is inherently long, I decided to implement overview screens to break up the process and to give users an idea of where they were in the process. This helped to set user's expectations, and reduced frustration.

KPI: Decrease drop-off rates
“I highly recommend Alyssa for her exceptional work on the UX/UI design for our app. She is incredibly committed, flexible, and brings a great sense of humor to the team. Her structured approach, combined with a keen eye for style and brand, resulted in a visually stunning and cohesive design. Alyssa’s super clear communication made collaboration seamless and efficient. I absolutely loved working with her and would definitely work with her again.”

Jasmijn K.
